Utility apps

A couple of days ago, I made a series of tweets that highlighted smaller utility1 applications that I’ve found recently.

The thread hit home with others and served as a shout out to the developers behind these tools that impact my life. I wanted to aggregate the list here (along with replies to the thread), broken down by platform2. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know!




While the following are larger apps, their watchOS apps make the device that much better.

Web and Email

  • Spoonbill by Justin Duke: Follow bio, location, and name changes in your Twitter following graph.
  • Switchr by Jurre: Safari extension to quickly switch between .h and .m files on GitHub.
  • DomainCloser (shameless plug 😆): Quickly close all tabs matching the domain of the currently active tab.


  1. I tried to highlight lesser-known utilities. 

  2. Some of these are cross-platform