- Lots of updates. But, I’ll focus on the things that bubble up to mind first.
- Retreat with Tara from Friday-Friday. Calmly excited for it. Seven days of pure disconnect. First time since owning an Apple Watch that I’ll be leaving it behind (usually wear it around the clock for sleeping heart rates).
- On the note of watches, a part of my conversation with Arjun this past Saturday at Everyman Espresso (so good) that stuck with me is how he treats his technology usage as modes. That is, he’s either all in—headphones, music, laptop, etc.—or all out—mechanical watch, leaves phone behind (if possible). I’ve noticed a parallel to this “opening” and “closing” of modes in meditation. To help hone focus, it’s common to sit with alternating periods of focusing on the breath (or any anchor) to simply letting the mind wander. Almost like interval training for the mind.
- April call w/ Shiva was incredible. I love the sessions we have that end w/ even more topics to cover.
- One (public) highlight and one I’ll probably open up a bit more about later:
- (private): Trust in the process. Getting better week over week and I should be proud of that (beyond stoked for 4/27/2017, reminds me of how I felt before 12/28/2013). The growth has been reiterated by those close to me.
- “Remembering the ‘fun’ in activities” that can sometimes feel routine. Lifting, cycling, meditation, and writing. Specifically on the exercise front, it’s refreshing to take a step back and remind yourself that it’s purely for enjoyment (I’m thankfully not conscripted by the military to exercise). I was reminded of this during a Peloton team ride a few weeks ago. I was in the front of the studio, hammering away the entire time, focusing solely on output. During a rest segment, I turned around and saw a row of my coworkers dancing on their bikes to the music. That’s what it’s all about. Fun. Sounds obvious, but I often forget this, as I sometimes compress an entire experience (workout in this case) to a single metric (output).
- Ryan and I recently discussed the sobering realization that, even if our respective employers IPO and we’re fully vested, the best-case returns wouldn’t move the needle on our quality of life. Not complaining here, I’m beyond grateful to have the opportunity to work at Peloton. But, it serves as fodder for me to want to start my own gig (most likely in the intersection of fitness and tech) or start a side project that brings in extra income each month.
- To be clear, the motivation isn’t money. But rather, the ability to continue pursuing missions I’m passionate about (fitness and tech), while building a financial foundation for my future family.
- Gonna head bed soon. Have time for one more thought. Building on 12/9/2016’s note of “seeking magic in every encounter,” an instance of this is being that friend who’s absolutely stoked to see another friend. Did this with Jason and Kate during last week’s reading and it seemed to make their morning. Going to miss those two a ton <3